There are a million excuses for your home becoming disorganized, but there’s only one way to solve it – set up a cleaning plan that works for your schedule.

This includes doing short tasks outside of your regular cleaning schedule. Try these five key shortcuts that can be done quickly in-between all of the other times you’re checking off your weekly to-do list.

1. Clean out your junk drawer: There’s always a junk drawer somewhere that needs cleaning out. Whether it’s in the kitchen or in your child’s room, take a few minutes to declutter that nasty miscellaneous drawer. Think like a minimalist; throw out old papers, pens and anything else that isn’t necessary.

2. Set a timer and fold laundry: If you’re really limited on time, tackle laundry in five-minute increments throughout the week. In each instance, set a timer before diving into your laundry pile. There seems to always be laundry around the house so every bit counts.

3. Switch out dirty hand towels: This is a task that can sometimes be left off a to-do list so if you’re presented with some free time, remember to do it. A clean hand towel in the kitchen and bathroom is essential to a clean house and is super easy to do.

4. Vacuum one room: Vacuuming the house doesn’t have to be an all day ordeal; you can spread out the chore over many days. Each day that you have a little bit of free time, pick one room to take care of. When you’re done, rotate back to the original room and keep the cycle going!

5. Wipe down the stove: As you’re waiting for the family to assemble at the dinner table, cut down on clean up time by wiping down your cooking area and put ingredients. It’ll make the after dinner process a lot easier.

There are so many things that can be done in less than five minutes. Take advantage of free moments and do something productive.